Case Study: Sweeper for Manitou MT625H Telehandler

One solution for mounting a sweeper to your Manitou MT625H Telehandler......

 · 2 min read

The customer for this sweeper has a site with building traffic, so mud and sandy material were a constant problm.  They needed a sweeper capable of picking up this material on an undulating surface, with a mix of tarmac and block paved areas.  This is a large site... So it needed a substantial collection capacity and a large enough brush to cover ground quickly.

In the summer it gets very dry and dusty, so a dust suppression kit was a must.  

The customer has a Manitou MT625H Telehandler, which is a great carrier for attachments such as sweepers.

Only one sweeper on the market really fit the bill... Our popular FKM 60 sweeper, with floating hitch and collector box would do everything they needed and is robust enough for use with a telehandler (which can put alot of strain on attachments with the boom).

The items used in this project were as follows:

  1. ABR 60 TELE - Floating hitch
  2. FKM 22560 H - 60cm Diameter Sweeper
  3. SSBF 22560 - floating collector box
  4. WAS 200 KM 60 - Dust Suppression Kit

The FKM 60 range of sweepers is designed to mount on the front of a variety of machines, from about 50 - 130hp including telehandlers, tractors and forklifts.

When mounting on a telehandler, one of the challenges is keeping the pressure of the sweeper constant.  This is achieved with a floating hitch, floating collector and a handy sight guide that helps keep your boom in a good position.  Other sweepers struggle with the collector box bottoming out or excess brush wear because of the pressure put on the brush by the boom.

Kersten sweepers are great at maintaining hard surfaces by removing detritus and debris which reduces weed growth and is fundamental to Integrated weed management.

Other attachments suitable for telehandlers may be found on the Telehandler Attachments Page.

Contact Kersten to chat about your requirements.

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